There’s a faint memory that resides in my mind of falling asleep in my baby crib to “Sleep Walk” by Santo & Johnny. Since I can remember, music has consistently been a part of my life. The impacts are endless. My days never fail to consist of listening to music through a speaker or my headphones. The nostalgic voice of The Beatles, to the upbeat energy that KAYTRANADA brings gives my listening history a wide range of genres. The instrumental and technological talent that goes into the production of an album is unmatched. Writing about music takes a good ear and a knowledge of the music industry, past and current. Journalists began writing about music during the eighteenth century, covering what is now known as classical music. It wasn’t until the 1960s when music journalism became a prominent component of media. However, with today’s fast-paced technology, it becomes tough to maintain a fair perception of current music. With such a wide range of genres and an infinite number of artists, marketing for musicians is extensive. There is much uninterrupted time that goes into creating an album for each person involved. An album is released digitally through streaming platforms, on CD’s and on vinyl records. The listening experience of an album on vinyl is an incomparable feeling. It comes in a close second to seeing artists in concert and being fully immersed in their sound. A level up from that could only be attending a music festival and seeing multiple artists live within the span of 24 hours; a personal favorite experience. With this blog, I intend to dive into the many impacts music gives society and how it’s incorporated within the media. Starting with the revival of vinyl records, specifically in more recent years. The next time you hear from me, I’ll be discussing the eras of vinyl records. As music is an ever-growing industry, I aim to capture the essential components that keep it alive.