5 essential playlists

If you’re like me at all, you need a playlist for every mood. Every activity you do warrants a different vibe of music playing through your headphones or speaker. There’s too many times when I need to change my mood around and music can directly affect this. Below are 5 must-have playlists for your music library. 

The “throwbacks” playlist

We have to time travel back to the days of MP3’s and Ipod nanos for this one. Whatever music you listened to from your earliest years and on has stuck with you. It’s those songs that you hear on the radio and think, “I forgot about this!” Your guilty pleasures. A mash of music from your younger years. For me, this means the 2010s; old Justin Bieber, Adele, Hannah Montana, Bruno Mars and definitely Macklemore’s “Thrift Shop.” 

If you need some inspiration, here’s a good one:

The “oldies but goodies” playlist

These songs are probably going to come from your younger years as well, except it’s what the older people in your life exposed you to. Think; the classics. The artists that never die. There’s some days where all you need to do is listen to the hits of the 70s. Some essentials for this playlist would be; Fleetwood Mac, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, The Beatles, maybe sprinkle some Pink Floyd in there. The possibilities are endless. 

The “It’s a beautiful day!” playlist

This playlist should be catered for your ideal park day. The sun is shining and you’re listening to the best feel-good tunes. The ones that are guaranteed to put a smile on your face and make you appreciate the world around you. Instant mood-boosters. I immediately think of “Home” by Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros. When you listen to these songs, it may be best to mix in a little nostalgia. Hopefully there’s dancing involved, and surely a lot of smiling. 

The “workout” playlist

The “workout” playlist could take shape in a number of ways. Whether your type of workout is lifting weights at the gym, taking a walk in the park, running miles or riding your bike; this music is guaranteed to motivate you towards your goals. I would personally go for vibes from a song like “Break My Stride” by Matthew Wilder, but whatever floats your boat. 

The “party time” playlist

Now this one’s tricky. It could be a mix of a lot of playlists. I’m thinking all the songs from the above playlists would be good contenders. If you ever throw parties, it’s essential to have a reliable playlist you can click shuffle on and not worry what the next song will be. As I always say; play for the people. The songs that get the crowd going in my household are; “Fake ID” Riton & Kah-Lo, “Sundress” A$AP Rocky, “Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)” ABBA and “Crazy” Gnarls Barkley. 

This is a good starting point for curating the most essential playlists. We obviously didn’t cover every mood, so check back again for part two of playlists you need to have!



